Week 10: Production
Development Blog Week 10 - Horror Level Design Welcome back to Week 10 of my Horror Level Design development blog. This week I have been creating blockout cinematics that are located on the exterior of the building. This gives an 'end' to the level. These cinematics are basic and would need to be improved upon further. However, as a blockout they work and show the proposed idea. Firstly this week I made minor changes to the car that the player will use to escape the asylum. I then placed a trigger box in which the player will walk into once exiting the building. Secondly, I placed cinematic cameras in each location that I will use for jump cuts in the cinematic. There are four of these that are used to add different camera angles to the cutscene. This is an example of what the cutscene currently looks like. I then changed models of the main office key as well as removed the rotator component of the security key which was previously implemented for testing purposes. I placed...